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Learn German with Guide Ebooks
Learn German with Guide Ebooks

German vocabulary can be greatly enhanced by reading German books. A guide book in this case is an ideal tool. Choose a book that discusses the most relevant problem for you, and you will not need to convince yourself that you should read at least a page today :)

Learn German: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Learning German FAST

This is a step-by-step guide that was created with one goal in mind: To help complete beginners learn how to speak German fast

Placement Test

The Placement Test will help me to evaluate your German Language skills according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Listen to authentic German audio texts with Audio Lingua

On the Audio Lingua website, you will find many authentic short German audio texts on a variety of topics. Listening to them will help you to exercise your listening comprehension.


Deutschtrainer helps you to learn words and phrases used in different situations.

Learn German by topics

In the following website you find material for German lessons by topics.

Colloquial German

To teach colloquial German I use the textbook "Motive", as well as additional material from the Internet and material created by myself.
